The Ballads (Part 2)

With a dazed look upon her face,
she stood there - lost in oblivion,
It was like she was stuck in a war council - 
they were all describing various things,
and even though she knew their language,
and she couldn't relatively understand a WORD they said.
They kept going on, ignoring her presence,
How could she *possibly* know what they were talking about?
She looked around the room,
and noticed, with a sinking heart,
that only a few women were present,
and even less joined the fray.
That reminded her of Frey- what a cold hearted bastard he was.
She thought of why she was there,
of the reason behind the arguments,
what really bonded these men together to be as such,
and noticed - in her silent observations
a single clue.

That was all she needed -
she understood the reason, the purpose.
Their faces gave it away,
their primitive evolution was the main fault
and thus, she put forward a resolution
to fix all that was broken,
and to right all that was wrong.

But she was rudely interrupted by her mother,
who told to practice more maths.

Happy Women's Day :)
(I know it was a day late, but forgive me.)


( This song isn't my pick, actually.
It's a recommend, so I'll put here.


  1. At once ironical and profound, and so simple. :)

    1. This comment has been removed by the author.


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