Ambivalent? Think again.

I'm indecisive when it comes to some things.
Like picking what kind of cereal I want for breakfast, or what kind of chocolates I really prefer.
I get thoroughly confused when I'm handed a menu, and all I can think of is "I want all of this. "
When you get offered a choice, you think about the best option out of it, right?
You'd consider personal gain, which is of utmost priority.
After that,you think about how it'd affects others  (most people don't even get to this stage. ) and
finally, you think about the option that you didn't consider.
It's like the question from Matrix all over again - do you want the red pill, or the pink one?
( "No wait, it was blue. " is what you were thinking, oui?)
No matter what you chose, it's entirely up to you to make the choice.
Whether you make the choice by letting your "seven sins" affect your decision, or you
decide it rationally is none of my business.
Because I'm just a guy on the Internet.


(I know , I know..
I'll try to keep updating as much as I can.
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These are not the songs you're looking for.
Okay, maybe they are.

The Wonder Years - Dismantling Summer

Enjoy. )


  1. As the only 'visible-on-this-blog' 'pro' so-called by the ambivalent (?) blog author, I suppose I ought to the right thing and add to the un-ambivalent message I take away from here. It really is none of my business

    I wonder if you've heard of Ray Bradbury? Sci Fi Writer, among other things. As I read this thought-provoking piece, what came to mind was something I had read, and written down in a faded sepia diary of yore (which I actually fished out :D). I guess you can understand why.

    He wrote, in his introduction to 'Dandelion Wine' (so my handwriting says :) )
    "The people there were gods and midgets and knew themselves mortal and so the midgets walked tall so as not to embarrass the gods and the gods crouched so as to make the small ones feel at home. And, after all, isn’t that what life is all about, the ability to go around back and come up inside other people’s heads to look out at the damned fool miracle and say: oh, so that’s how you see it!? Well, now, I must remember that."

    Egad! Do excuse the long comment :D

  2. It's rather interesting to see that my posts inspire people to do things, like fishing out diaries for instance. The only feedback I do get are of praise, although I do hope they're not empty ones.
    The name strikes a bell in my head, but I just can't put my finger on where I've heard of it before. Must've been in one of those dusty libraries I frequent :)
    Loved the extract, by the way. I'm in pursuit of his books, if I can land my hands on any. If not, I'd have to resort to digital means, of which I'm not exactly a fan of, although it's what I do best.

    1. You must have done the lesson "A Green Morning", sometime in one of the classes upto 8th. The story of a man who goes around planting seeds on Mars, and they grow overnight. I wonder if you did read it.

      Good to see the comments are now visible. I thought you were on a blog break.
      And well, the least likely things sometimes do inspire. :)

    2. Can't remember reading that particular poem, unfortunately.
      Well, I was on a blog break indefinitely but I'm not sure this'll count as
      returning back. I'm still on "busy" mode..
      But the posts that happen every once in a blue moon are returning :)


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