The Ballads (Part 2)
With a dazed look upon her face, she stood there - lost in oblivion, It was like she was stuck in a war council - they were all describing various things, and even though she knew their language, and she couldn't relatively understand a WORD they said. They kept going on, ignoring her presence, How could she *possibly* know what they were talking about? She looked around the room, and noticed, with a sinking heart, that only a few women were present, and even less joined the fray. That reminded her of Frey- what a cold hearted bastard he was. She thought of why she was there, of the reason behind the arguments, what really bonded these men together to be as such, and noticed - in her silent observations a single clue. That was all she needed - she understood the reason, the purpose. Their faces gave it away, their primitive evolution was the main fault and thus, she put forward a resolution to fix all that was broken, and to rig...