Midnight Solace

One after the other.
Long scrolls,and you just keep doing it.
Not because you want to,but because you're bored,and it's the only way out.
Insomnia is something that's always been there,but I've never been a partaker of sorts till recently,because I used to be this kid who went to sleep when the clock struck 8 and I would enter a trance,as if under a spell.
Used to,anyway.
But as you venture deeper into the night,you realize that (at some dark period) the night is actually very much comforting,than it is in the daytime (don't get me started on the heat!)...and you relish the eerily calming loneliness,that cool breeze that passes through you (and to hell with those mosquitos!)
But then morning comes around,and you're left wondering "How the hell did I stay awake?" and then you fall asleep,maybe for an hour or so,before you're knocked right back to your cycle of daily work.
I know I'm ending this on an abrupt note,but I'd like to ask a rather obnoxious question.

Have you ever heard a death rattle before?


(Peter Gabriel - My Body is a Cage.)


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